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Secura and Secura NFTs: A Primer

Published on 05/01 2024 17:09

When we set out to empower people to bank themselves through self-custody of digital assets, we knew there were several enormous product gaps for users. One of them we’ve discussed before — how do you provide the peace of mind, via recovery, that a custodial exchange allows for within a self-custody experience? How do you give users confidence when they are transacting with other people while having self-custody?

We set out to bridge those gaps and invented the Secura peace of mind suite. It is made up of 3 features:

-Secura Essentials: A monitoring system to inform and protect users when transacting

-Secura DeRec: A wallet recovery system that maintains absolute self-custody of assets

-SecuraT(ag): A physical “key” which acts as a physical multifactor, similar to an advanced version of a car’s key fob

So that’s the Secura suite — what are the Secura NFTs?

On May 6th, there is a one-time mint of Secura NFTs which unlock either a 2-year subscription to their product or the physical SecuraT(ag) as outlined above, a lifetime discount to all Secura subscriptions which is transferable, a weighted airdrop of BSL, and exclusive early access to new Secura features.

Sometime after the mint, there will be a snapshot taken to record all wallets containing sets of all three Secura NFTs. Those wallets will be sent the Secura Founders Edition NFT, which unlocks lifetime 2.5% royalty participation in all secondary NFT sales, an increased weighted airdrop of BSL, and exclusive Founders-only features and access. This royalty participation is transferable to whoever holds the Founders Edition NFTs. The royalty is split evenly between all Founders Edition NFTs and holding multiple Founders Edition NFTs will get multiple payouts.

And on top of the exciting participatory utility NFT components, having the Secura NFTs makes everyone part of a project that will redefine how we bank ourselves with digital assets.

How do I buy the Secura NFTs?

So you want to purchase the Secura NFT’s? Great choice! The NFTs will be rolled out on May 6. There are two main ways to purchase Secura NFTs on launch:

BankSocial App — Hold 25,000 BSL in your wallet within the BankSocial App. You can purchase via Apple Pay or Google Pay. Link your credit card to get ready beforehand, if you have not already done so. Learn how to do this here (Apple) or here (Android). For those that do not have BSL in their wallet, you can still mint within the App using google or Apple pay one hour after the BSL holders.

SentX — Swap HBAR for Secura NFTs on To swap HBAR for Secura NFTs, pair your wallet with SentX via WalletConnect or another method. Any Hedera capable wallet that SentX supports will work. This will be followed by a limited offering allowing users to swap BSL for Secura NFTs.

Tip: Test Connecting your wallet before the mint goes live to avoid any delays during the process!

The Secura product is our industry-first solution to making self-custody as robust and reliable as custodial wallets.

Read more about Secura NFTs and the launch

was originally published in BankSocial News on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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