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AstroSpaces Fuel Station

A community supported fuel station for the rocket launch!

Support the AstroSpaces ecosystem by donating fuel.

Register an account, connect your wallet and buy $SPACES to add fuel.

What's the AstroSpaces Fuel Station?

The AstroSpaces Fuel Station is a community supporting mechanism implemented to burn tokens while giving credit back to the supporters of the community. Adding fuel manually should not be mistaken for staking as you're burning tokens without the possibility to withdraw.

How does burn affect the ecosystem?

When tokens are burned the circulating supply decreases without having any impact on the market cap. This results in a higher price per token as there will be less tokens in circulation.

Why should i add fuel to the gas station?

The only reason for anyone to manually add fuel to the AstroSpaces Fuel Station is to showcase support to the community. You're basically donating real money to the community and the ecosystem without getting anything other then credit in return.

Will you be credited when buying upgrades?

Yes. Whenever you buy a space or personal upgrade through the platform you'll also be rewarded fuel credits.

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We've not yet completed a rarity check for this collection. This may be because the collection is still minting.
If you believe this is a mistake reach out to support on Discord.

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