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We're a Binance Smart Chain project. While we do list projects across multiple chains you'll receive the best experience while connected to the BSC network.
SpaceFreaks.gg Minting now
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Next available spot on February 19thDuration of trending:
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Value of SPACES ~$0Disclaimer:
Trending booking will not feature you in posts on Twitter, Telegram or add you to the trending list. These spots are only available through organic activity. This booking only shows your project in the trending bar next to the "Ad".
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All purchases on AstroSpaces.io are final and cannot be refunded. There's no way to retrieve funds once used to activate any service. The tokens used for purchasing services are transferred to the dead wallet. Upon any purchases you'll be required to pay network gas which is without influence of AstroSpaces. The SPACES token has a 9% tax on all chains.
Please connect using a browser inside your wallet or simply use your computer to connect.
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