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BankSocial® Announces “Web3-powered” RTP Open Banking Payments Features for Credit Unions at CUNA…

Published on 03/20 2024 18:43

BankSocial® Announces “Web3-powered” RTP Open Banking Payments Features for Credit Unions at CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference

BankSocial®, the nation’s leading open banking platform for credit unions, has actively implemented payments capabilities with Web3 compatibility, ensuring Credit Union payment platforms are future-proofed for the rapidly evolving landscape of open banking and digital assets. Designed for seamless integration with industry Core and Digital Banking Solutions, BankSocial’s payment features leverage Hedera’s efficiencies.

CEO John Wingate and COO Becky Reed recently participated in a Digital Assets Group roundtable with Vice Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration Kyle Hauptman, highlighting BankSocial’s commitment to preparing Credit Unions for regulatory changes and evolving consumer sentiments through innovative Web3 and self-custody approaches. Partnerships with industry leaders like Great Lakes Credit Union and North Shore Federal Credit Union underscore BankSocial’s strategic positioning in the evolving payment systems landscape. Read the full story here.

was originally published in BankSocial News on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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