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Wall Street Games

Enhancing Our Commitment: Positive Changes to WSG Vesting Terms

Published on 03/15 2024 12:29

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects, the trust and confidence of our investors, both old and new, are paramount. At Wall Street Games (WSG), we’re continually looking for ways to strengthen this trust and ensure our ecosystem's long-term stability and growth. Today, we’re excited to announce some positive changes to our vesting terms that reflect our commitment to the community and the future of WSG.

A Renewed Commitment from Our Team and Advisors

First and foremost, we want to highlight the renewed commitment from our team and advisors toward the success and longevity of WSG:

  • Team Wallet Lock Extension: To demonstrate our dedication and belief in WSG’s future, we’ve decided to extend the lock on the team wallet for an additional six months. This means the team wallet will now be locked for a whole year from the Token Generation Event (TGE) until the unlock. This move is designed to reassure our community of our long-term vision and commitment. Team wallet lock tx id:
  • Advisors Wallet Lock Extension: Similarly, our advisors have agreed to extend the lock on their wallet for an additional three months, making it six months in total. This extension is a testament to their confidence in the project and their willingness to align their interests with the health and success of WSG. Advisors wallet lock tx id:

Note that both wallets are still subject to further extensions.

Introducing New Vesting Terms for the Community

After engaging in thorough and careful discussions with our advisors, marketing experts, and our supportive community, we’ve decided to introduce new vesting terms for our community. Here’s what’s changing:

  • Linear Vesting Introduction: Starting from the 20th of March, we will introduce a linear vesting schedule with a daily unlock that will last until the 20th of September. This approach is designed to ensure a gradual and steady release of tokens into the market, preventing any sudden impacts on the token’s price and fostering a healthy trading environment.

Our Goal: A Thriving Ecosystem for WSG

The decision to adjust the vesting terms comes from a place of careful consideration and a shared goal among us, our advisors, and marketing experts — to create a healthy environment where WSG can thrive. We believe that by implementing these changes, we can achieve a more stable and promising future for our token, benefiting both old and new investors alike.

We understand that changes to vesting terms are significant, and we want to assure our community that these decisions are made with the best interests of WSG and its investors in mind. We aim to build a robust ecosystem that rewards patience, supports gradual growth, and lays the foundation for the long-term success of Wall Street Games.

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