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Wall Street Games

Wall Street Games prelaunch: Everything you need to know

Published on 03/04 2024 12:55

As we edge closer to the highly anticipated launch of the Wall Street Games’ new phase, we’re excited to share crucial prelaunch details with our esteemed community. This next step in our journey introduces a host of features designed to enhance your experience and reward your participation.

Incoming new website launch: Connect your wallet, create an account

Our new website is set to go live before launch, marking a significant milestone for the Wall Street Games ecosystem. To take full advantage of the platform’s offerings, users are required to connect their wallets and create an account. This integration is pivotal for accessing various features, including staking and viewing vesting schedules.

Do not forget to add the new token to your Arbitrum wallet!

Viewing your vesting schedule

Participants of the on-chain migration can easily view their vesting details by visiting (coming soon). This dedicated section provides transparent information about your vested WSG tokens, ensuring you’re up-to-date with your holdings.

The vesting schedule is as was announced in the blog post. 20% of the airdropped tokens will be available immediately at the token generation event, with the remaining balance vested linearly over 6 weeks each Wednesday at 12:00UTC.

Note: The same schedule applies to the MEXC WSG holders.

Staking available at launch

Staking options will be available immediately upon launch, featuring two distinct pools:

Staking — soon):

  1. Locked Single-Asset WSG Pool: Stake WSG to be rewarded with WSG. The locking period ranges from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 2 years, offering flexibility and rewards for your commitment. The migration-locked pool stalkers have their WSG staked for a maximum of 3 months or less if when they staked their tokens, the locking period chosen was less than 3 months.
  2. WSG-ETH Liquidity Pool: By providing liquidity to the WSG-ETH pair, users will earn WSG rewards. This pool is an excellent opportunity for those looking to contribute to the liquidity of WSG while earning rewards.

NFT Staking & Requirements — (coming soon):

NFT Rank / Staking Duration / WSG Amount
Soldier (Rank 1) / 2 weeks / 1,764.81 WSG
Captain (Rank 2) / 3 weeks / 5,190.62 WSG
Colonel (Rank 3) / 4 weeks / 8,824.05 WSG
General (Rank 4) / 4 weeks / 8,824.05 WSG
Prince (Rank 5) / 5 weeks / 17,648.10 WSG
King (Rank 6) / 6 weeks / 35,296.20 WSG
Emperor (Rank 7) / 8 weeks / 88,240.50 WSG

To progress through the ranks, you’ll need to sequentially earn each rank, with the previous rank being burned upon the acquisition of a new one. This unique system encourages active participation and long-term engagement within our ecosystem. You can stake for multiple ranks to trade them or utilize them across different accounts, adding a strategic layer to your involvement.

For more details on the purpose and benefits of each NFT rank, please visit our documentation at:

Tax details on launch

Attention traders: On launch, a significant tax of 35% will apply to both buy and sell transactions on SushiSwap for the first 5 minutes. This tax is designed to deter initial dumpings and stabilize the token’s early market activity. After the initial period, the tax will gradually decrease until it reaches a stable 2% for both buying and selling. This mechanism ensures a fair launch environment for all participants.

Preparing your wallet for Arbitrum L2

With the transition to Arbitrum L2, it’s essential to prepare your wallet accordingly. Transactions on Arbitrum require ETH for gas fees, necessitating users to bridge ETH to the Arbitrum network. This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. On-Chain Bridging: Directly bridge ETH to Arbitrum using on-chain services. While secure, this method may incur higher fees due to the current Ethereum network costs.
  2. CEX Bridging: An alternative is to use a centralized exchange (CEX) to bridge ETH to Arbitrum. This method can be more cost-effective, allowing you to deposit ETH directly to the Arbitrum chain from the exchange.

We recommend evaluating both options to choose the most efficient and economical method for your situation.

Do not forget to add the new token to your Arbitrum wallet by adding the correct contract address: 0xef04804e1e474d3f9b73184d7ef5d786f3fce930 (

⚠️ Stay Vigilant Against Scammers! As we approach our exciting launch, we urge our community to be extra cautious and vigilant. Scammers often seize such moments to deceive and mislead. Please remember, that all official announcements and interactions will only occur through our verified channels. Ensure you’re following our official accounts and communicate with admins only within our official chats. Protect yourself by double-checking sources and never sharing personal or wallet information. Together, let’s keep our community safe and secure.

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