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What’s Next for My Neighbor Alice?

Published on 02/21 2024 08:01

The Updated Roadmap Towards Full Decentralization and Transition to the Beta Version

The successful conclusion of Alpha Season 4 has marked a significant milestone, highlighting the role of My Neighbor Alice as a pioneer in the fully decentralized gaming space. With over 1.5 million transactions and the active participation of thousands of players, the season has set a new paradigm for what My Neighbor Alice can achieve. As the first Appnet on Chromia, we’ve set a new precedent for transparency and security in the gaming world, where every in-game action is stored on the blockchain.

Our commitment to decentralization is about empowering our community, a journey outlined in our forthcoming roadmap. The transition to Beta will enhance gameplay and introduce community-driven development and a player-led economy, marking a significant step toward a game that is truly built for and by its players. Join us as we embark on this exciting new chapter, shaping the future of gaming together.

Our new Roadmap: The Road to Decentralization

The journey doesn’t end with the success of Alpha Season 4; it’s just the beginning of a more ambitious venture toward decentralization. This strategic shift, inspired by the recognition of industry evolution and the need for collaboration, is aimed at redistributing power from the developers to the community.

Riccardo Sibani, CPO of My Neighbor Alice, emphasizes the need for a unified approach to game development, where interoperability and collaboration are both ideals and realities.

The fully on-chain logic layer of My Neighbor Alice is a step towards this future, where the game serves as a collaborative and creative space, connecting different games and platforms. To see our vision and plans, check out our roadmap.

Beta Season 1: A Pioneering Step Towards Community Empowerment

The first stop on this journey of decentralization is Beta Season 1. This season is more than just an update; it’s a bold stride toward realizing a decentralized, player-driven world.

By introducing enhanced game mechanics focused on collaboration, social interactivity, and a player-driven economy, we’re laying the foundation for a game that is as much about community building as gaming. Drawing from the insights shared by My Neighbor Alice Game Director, Steve Haßenpflug, the introduction of a player-to-player trading system and deeper social systems in Beta Season 1 exemplifies our commitment to deepening player interaction and economic involvement within the game.

These are just some of the many features that promote vibrant community life and signify a shift towards a model where the game evolves through player contributions and creativity.

A Visionary Future: Building Together

As we look forward to the future of My Neighbor Alice, we are inspired by the potential of a truly decentralized gaming ecosystem. This vision is not just about advancing the technical aspects of the game but about fostering a community where every player has a voice and the power to influence the game’s direction.

Our commitment to decentralization, transparency, and community engagement sets the stage for a gaming experience that is dynamic, inclusive, and continuously evolving. By joining forces with our players and embracing the principles of collaboration and innovation, we are not just creating a game but a living, thriving world.

This is the future we envision for My Neighbor Alice, and we invite you to participate in this exciting journey. Together, we can create a game that transcends traditional boundaries and becomes a testament to the power of community and collaboration in the digital age.

As we continue this fantastic journey with My Neighbor Alice, we invite you to visit our website for the 2024 roadmap and stay tuned for exciting updates that will enrich your gaming experience.

Keep playing and join us in developing a dynamic and collaborative open-world in Lummelunda where every player contributes to the adventure ahead.

See you in the Neighborhood!

Please note that the roadmap is not set in stone; it will evolve over time as we adapt to new developments and community feedback, ensuring that My Neighbor Alice remains at the forefront of decentralized gaming innovation.

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