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Announcement: New Truebit Docker image enables compatibility on ETH 2

Published on 10/12 2022 19:03

Truebit Docker Image ETH 2

We’re pleased to announce that Trueibt is compatible with Ethereum post merge. This article will help demonstrate how to get started with Truebit on ETH 2 and provide you with the new quick start guide on the Truebit Github.

The new Docker image supports Ethereum 2 and can be found here: truebitprotocol’s Profile | Docker Hub.

We provide two options to interact with the blockchain:

1. The Docker internally has an non-producing-block node, after you pull the image from docker hub you should activate or to start the sync. The Goerli sync could take up to four days to download the block and 600GB of storage. The Mainnet will sync in some weeks and 1.5 Tb of storage and later the node will prune to reduce the space. For more detailed information, please check the following link How to run Etherum node after the merge

2 — Using Ganache as a local fork is the quickest way to start working in development, because you don’t need to wait for the sync.

Our updated Truebit Getting Started Guide can also be found on our website HERE. As always, you can find us our Gitter and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date or DM us with any questions.

was originally published in Truebit on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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