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Truebit’s Sample Repository.

Published on 11/09 2021 16:59

Our community has spoken: there is a demand for Truebit’s real-world implementation strategies, and we are excited to announce that you can now view use cases and applications in our Sample Repository.

Here, you will find a number of samples, and we will be adding to it in the future.

The first example available uses the common task of performing a map-reduce operation to illustrate how an on-chain smart contract can initiate a Truebit process and receive a result. This includes all of the source code and instructions needed to build the Truebit task and associated smart contract, using the tool chain present inside the standard truebit-eth Docker container.

By following this tutorial, the result should be a deployed smart contract with the ability to invoke the Truebit “task giver” mechanism, passing data to an off-chain map-reduce function, and then receiving delivered results back to the calling smart contract.

All information provided in the sample repository is intended for experienced users with a solid understanding of Linux, Docker, and Ethereum smart contracts. There are also other resources demonstrating an alternate tool chain and deployment methodology, and one of the best online guides is

As always, we encourage members of the Truebit community to submit their own examples, and to provide enhancements, corrections, and suggestions for examples in this repo.

was originally published in Truebit on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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