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A launchpad for everyone!

Easy, simple and fast launchpad everyone can use. You bring the idea, we bring the technology. Get instant space creation, automatic rewards tracker and extra free marketing!

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We aim to bring the most transparent and fair fairlaunches to the BSC network. Always max. 1% dev tokens, locked liquidity and a platform of interested users.

We take 0% of your tokens and 0% liquidity!

Video by @Fomotion

Launch your own AstroSpaces FFA token

Free-for-all contracts has no fee to deploy and rewards holders directly in $SPACES.

7-13% rewards in $SPACES
1-7% marketing tax in BNB
1-7% liquidity tax
SPACES + 150 manual whitelist spots

Total gas fees including wallets whitelisted ~0.15 BNB.

Free For All token features

Detailed explanation of the FFA contract tokenomics.

First 15 minutes
1% max wallet balance
Tiered whitelist only
After 15 minutes
No max wallet size
Everyone may trade

AstroSpaces FFA tokens and launches are designed to be a safe and fair concept that prevents developers from keeping presale liquidity and tokens for themselves.

The FFA launcher will guide you through burning tokens, adding and locking liquidity and making your whitelist for the launch.

Deploy custom rewards contract

Get your own rewards contract with automatic liquidity and marketing tax. Use it to launch through any launchpad.

Any rewards tax in any token
Any marketing tax in BNB
Any auto liquidity tax
No hardcoded whitelist
Deploy custom contract

Total deployment fee ~0.14 BNB

Custom contract notice

The following applies for custom rewards contracts.

1. Custom contracts are not eligble to be listed as a launchpad project on, but you may still create and manage your own coin space.

2. You may use the contract to launch on other launchpad platforms like Pinksale.

3. You must add liquidity, lock liquidity, burn tokens and launch on your own or using some of the features other more open platforms provide.

4. The custom rewards token feature is only a deployment tool to easily create your own token cheap. No support are provided for custom contracts.

5. No announcements will be made for the AstroSpaces community when you deploy a custom token.

6. There's no whitelist system or max. wallet integrated in the custom contract.


Projects created

Total created projects


Deployed contracts

Total deployed contracts


Launched projects

Total live projects



Total whitelisted participants

AstroSpaces Whitelist tiers

AstroSpaces FFA contracts has 3 tiers of whitelist.

Read more about whitelist

Tier one
Chief Master Sergeant

Tier 1 · 500m $SPACES

Trade instantly

whitelisted addresses

Tier two
Master Sergeant

Tier 2 · 250m $SPACES

Trade after 5 minutes

whitelisted addresses

Tier three

Tier 3 · 100m $SPACES

Trade after 10 minutes

whitelisted addresses


No $SPACES holding

Trade after 15 minutes

Anyone can trade

To ensure a spot on any whitelist please hold the required $SPACES min. 1 hour before contract opens tradings or win a whitelist spot by supporting the launches.

Private sale and presale

The traditional way of getting your token launched.

  • Allows team to hold back funds from both private sale and presale for marketing and development.
  • Favors private sale and presale investors who typically buy in with discount compared to listing price.
  • Risk of major sell-off from all early private sale and presale investors who already held for a long time.

AstroSpaces whitelisted fairlaunch

The innovative AstroSpaces way to launch your project.

  • The developer or team has to collect and bring their own liquidity for their liquidity pool.
  • Favors diamond holders of $SPACES and supporting community members of the launchpad projects.
  • Allows for both buys and sells from whitelisted investors which may help prevent initial dump and a smoother launch.

We support launches!

As a launchpad we want to support newly launched projects and give back to the communities.

Do you have an audience interested in new launches? Contact @jonathanstoker on Telegram and let's bring you on board!

The Bird

The Bird Times Square

$10,000,000 volume.

One week runtime


6-Array Times Square

$2,000,000 volume.

One week runtime


Radies Rajakulam

$500,000 volume.

Token video review



$250,000 volume.

Single tweet



$250,000 volume.

Single tweet

Dextools upvotes

Dextools upvotes

Complete KYC process

We'll upvote with available accounts

Community email

Community newsletter

Reach 1,000 holders

We'll send an email to our platform users

Requirements for support

Volume requirements are based on 10% $SPACES rewards tax contracts through non-excluded fee transactions. Manipulating volume through excluded transactions will result in exclusion from these prizes. Only FFA contracts and paid contracts with rewards in $SPACES may receive any of the free marketing. Upon selection of a marketing package the volume requirement of the selected package will be subtracted from the projects total volume. We use functions from the deployed contracts to estimate a projects volume as well as manual verification upon requests.

Holder based marketing services excludes all airdropped wallets to calculate actual real investors. All supportive services are subject to manual review and only upon acceptance granted the services. We encourage all developers to participate in our automatic KYC process to establish trust and transparency towards our platform and their investors.

Billboard partner

We're partnering with Outfront Media, Inc., which is one of the largest outdoor media companies, to book advertisements through all billboards.

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Asset traits

Trait type Value Rarity score Uniqueness
No rarity rankings available.

We've not yet completed a rarity check for this collection. This may be because the collection is still minting.
If you believe this is a mistake reach out to support on Discord.

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