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Creation status

Please find current contract deployment progress below:

0% 1. Submit token information
0% 2. Select rewards token
0% 3. Select marketing wallet
0% 4. Define tokenomics
Token information
Rewards token

Enter the BSC contract address of the token in which you want to reward holders.

Note that you cannot set the rewards tokens to be BNB as this will result in failed transfers.

Marketing wallet

Enter the wallet address of where you want to receive the marketing taxes.


Tax is limited to min. 3% and max. 35% through rewards, marketing and liquidity.

The custom rewards token feature is only a deployment tool to easily help you create your own token cheap.
No support, guidance or help will be provided for custom contracts.

You may check contract code here: Bscscan

Unable to connect to wallet

Please connect using a browser inside your wallet or simply use your computer to connect.

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Asset traits

Trait type Value Rarity score Uniqueness
No rarity rankings available.

We've not yet completed a rarity check for this collection. This may be because the collection is still minting.
If you believe this is a mistake reach out to support on Discord.

Request rarity check