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ONTO Wallet — Your Reliable Safe!

Published on 06/24 2022 15:59

ONTO Wallet — Your Reliable Safe!

Where and in what form do people keep their money? These can be different places: in banks, home safes, debit cards, crypto wallets, etc. Nowadays, technology allows you to choose the most reliable and convenient storage for your funds. But how can you make sure that your savings are not in danger? How do you know that your safe is securely closed and no thieves will unlock it? The bRing team recommends you use the lock from ONTO.

ONTO Web Wallet is a multi-chain wallet that supports the transfer and storage of digital assets and many decentralized applications of the most popular networks. These include Ethereum, Ontology, BNB Smart Chain (BSC), OKXChain (OKC), Polygon, Huobi ECO Chain, Arbitrum, IoTex, Avalanche-C, and Harmony. ONTO Web Wallet can be installed in your browser as a Chrome extension in a few clicks. Several advantages distinguish this wallet in a competitive environment.

ONTO uses mnemonic phrases to create its own decentralized digital ONT ID. This identifier reliably protects user funds using the most sophisticated encryption methods. In addition, ONTO will allow you to create, manage and transfer your assets on wallet-provided networks.

We are glad to inform you about a promising and promising partnership between bRing and ONTO Web Wallet. Our team takes care of the security of our users and interaction with the platform using convenient wallets to transfer your funds.

ONTO Web Wallet is already available on bRing, and you can start using it right now!

We want to emphasize that we are doing everything for the convenient use of wallets and the networks you need. However, we want to remind you that automatic network switching is not available at the moment. But, this is not a problem because switching ONTO Web Wallet is implemented intuitively. If you want to move from one blockchain to another, you need to disconnect your wallet from the current network and reconnect to the desired one. It will not take much time and will not cause you any inconvenience.

ONTO Web Wallet is a reliable safe for your savings and makes you work with bRing faster and more secure.

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