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Coin description
"WatchDO, a worldwide help project.

""We bring a global solution to a demand that has always been there since the
dawn of time.Watch do is a community token based on mutual aid and the desire to help
others. Who has never thought, I need help, who can I ask?
I will watch a video on Youtube to find help without being able to interact or
even find a quick answer in a hurry. Instead of asking yourself who you could call or what tutorial you should watch over and over again without being sure to get a solution to your problem.
We will connect you with helpers who will help you find a solution quickly.
Our Watch DO application will then become your best ally to solve your
problems. Conceived a few years ago, the $WDO will allow you to help your
neighbour with ease.

We are a french team with a french project !

The launch will happen the 28 december 2021"

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